Friday, August 1, 2014

Iron Butterfly, Maggie the Maurauder and the Iron Lady

Maggie Thatcher, the daughter of a shopkeeper became one of the most powerful women in the world. Not always liked, she was often referred as the “Iron Butterfly, Iron Lady,” and “Atillas the Hen” (because she was known to have a good cry when needed.) She also would rather wallpaper her kitchen than have dinner with the Heads of State.

Just lately, I’ve been thinking of the two most powerful women in my life…my mother and Maggie Thatcher. I remember telling my mother that I wanted to “help people during my lifetime” – her response – “Charity begins at home my love. If families took care of their own, the world would be a better place.” And another – “I’m scared of ghosts mummy.” Once more, her response was quick and to the point. "It’s not the dead that hurt you my dear…but the living.”

Follows just a few from Maggie:

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

“In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.”

“I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.”

“If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and would achieve nothing.”

“I think we've been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it's the government's job to cope with it. 'I have a problem, I'll get a grant.' 'I'm homeless, the government must house me.' They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation.”